Profile Details
Each profile type consists of 7 different criteria, each with 2 opposite traits. Everyone is unique and will possess tendencies towards all traits, but will often be more inclined towards one over the other.
In some instances, a player will enjoy both traits equally and be considered balanced on that criterion.
This criterion reflects the level of importance that winning is to our enjoyment. Those who simply love the experience of playing are For Fun and those who seek the thrill of winning are For Glory.
Moment Maker
You love playing games for the fun of it and rarely engage in the more adrenaline pumping aspects. The gameplay, the story, the people you're playing with—that's what it's all about for you. If a game doesn't make you happy, then what's the point? If you're having a good time, then you're doing it right.
This criterion demonstrates our preferences for playing with others. Those who enjoy taking in all a game has to offer by themselves are Solo and those who love the experience of interacting with others are Multiplayer.
Loyal Wanderer
You usually engage in a one–player experience because you enjoy taking in everything a game has to offer at your own pace. If your friend wants to play with you, you'll sigh, say yes, and maybe even have a good time, but secretly you prefer the solo journey.
This criterion underpins our desire for difficulty, or lack thereof. Those who play for the experience, not the frustration, are on the Easy spectrum and those who always take the road least traveled will be on the Hard side.
Danger Ducker
You love a lot about playing games, but being crushed by overwhelming odds is not one of them. You have zero qualms about choosing an easier game if it means you'll enjoy all the beautiful things about a game's world and story a little bit more.
This criterion illustrates how we progress. Those who forge ahead with purpose and direction are Practical while those who wander and find their own objective are Experimental.
For you, a game is at its best when you have the power to make your own decisions and craft your own solutions. Your perfect game blends a well–designed campaign with a vast array of customization tools, side quests, and modes that really let you spread your wings.
This criterion determines how we approach a situation. Those who carefully gauge the situation before acting are more Planning oriented while those who react and adjust on the fly are more Spontaneous.
Shot Caller
You're the on–field battle commander, the quarterback of your team. You have excellent strategic insights and usually know your next move, but you're also adaptable. You’re good at thinking on your feet when the situation calls for it. This makes you an effective and dangerous opponent.
This criterion depicts what aspects of a game we are absorbed by most. Those who sink into the feel and flow of the gameplay are Mechanic–focused and those who are swept away by the world and its characters are Story–focused.
You live for the emotional connection that games create. A well–developed story arc, complex characters, and a vast, beautiful world enlivens your experience so much more than pushing buttons. Sure, gameplay can be satisfying, but you find story and meaning by playing with your friends (and enemies), through incredible triumph and bitter defeat, or even by wandering for wandering's sake.
This criterion shows how we prefer engaging with our games. Those who savor the moment and take their time are on the Slow side and those who want to progress and make decisions are Fast.
Time Taker
You're familar with the pulse–pounding aspects of games (heck, you even enjoy them to a degree), but your comfort zone is firmly in a slower, more deliberately paced experience. Sometimes you just like to watch your protagonists sitting around a fire, reflecting on their adventures. It's soothing, ya know?